KMS Equestrian
Enlightened Equitation Teacher
& Classical Trainer
Formation Riding Clinics
Formation Riding is rapidly gaining in popularity, with many clinics to choose from.
I am very pleased to announce that I have recently been accepted as a coach for
All Steps Formation Riding Ltd.,
I am now able to offer clinics for Riding Clubs, groups, yards or groups of friends (T's & C's apply).
If you would like to book a clinic, please contact me directly. All clinics are run in accordance with All Steps Formation Riding Ltd.
NOTE - Indoor venues are preferable for public clinics.

What to expect from a formation riding clinic:
Firstly, the coach will ask everyone if there’s anything they need to know about your horse, are they green, lacking confidence, spicy or spooky?
Then the coach will establish if the rider needs supporting for any reason i.e. lacking confidence or nervous etc.
The ride will start on the same rein at walk and establish the order of horses. Does anyone need a supportive tail in front of them to help lead their horse past anything for example?
Once the order has been established, the coach will go through a few basic things about formation riding.
Then you will walk through a few movements. This usually settles horses and riders down although can feel like a different language at first. However, once you move into trot the picture becomes clearer and the movements will start to make sense.
Topics and movements:
Spaces (you will hear this a lot!)
Straight lines
Follow the path of the horse in front (we are all lemmings)
Centre line
Diagonal lines
Slotting in
Half Doublet
After going through the moves in walk and trot, there will be the option to try canter. The canter is down to the individual rider with no pressure to canter if you’re not feeling it on the day. All riders will be asked to line up at one end of the school and the coach will then establish whether riders want to canter individually or in company.
The canter will be done on a 20metre circle on your own or two riders together on a circle. The riders will be set opposite each other, i.e. at 3 o’clock and 9 o’clock, and ride a 20m circle on both reins. After the canter work, the coach will put a few movements together for a routine to music of the team’s choice. This is for fun and of course looks good in the videos! You’ll be amazed at what you have achieved and the beautiful movements your team have produce. The videos will be uploaded to Facebook and U-Tube so you can see how amazing the session was and to show all your family and friends.
It’s really important to All-Steps that no one feels out of their comfort zone. Our mission is that you try something new, have fun and that everyone leaves with a smile on their face.
We’re so pleased you’re interested in trying a session, head over to our events page to find your nearest clinic and join the All-Steps family.

You can watch previous clinics on You tube here.